Indtil 1820 handlede Graham’s med tekstilvarer. En kunde kunne dog ikke betale sin forfaldne veksel til firmaets afdeling i Porto, og man måtte derfor nødtvunget acceptere 27 piber (fade) portvin som betaling. Vinen blev dog solgt med så stor succes, at firmaet ligefrem blev opfordret til at gentage handelen. Grahams fik hurtigt opbygget et godt ry indenfor portvin, og i slutningen af det 19. århundrede var man ikke alene en af de største afskibere, men også en af de mest anerkendte.
I 1882 blev den unge skotte, Andrew James Symington, ansat, men efter et par år drog han videre ud i portvinens verden. Men – da Graham’s i 1970 fik finansielle problemer og dermed behov for kapitalindsprøjtning, benyttede Symingtons børnebørn sig af lejligheden til at købe huset. I dag har Symington-familien en meget central position indenfor portvin, da de nu ejer en række af de bedste huse. Robert Parker havde da også følgende kommentar til Graham’s: “The most consistent producer of great port in the post worldwar 2 era”.
Broad in feel and dark in profile, with walnut and hazelnut notes leading the way, followed by brown bread, dried fig, bitter orange, singed almond and juniper notes. A lovely flash of green tea adds sparkle and detail on the finish, but this stays reliant on its bass line throughout. Drink know
Remarkably, this is able to show age and long cask aging, but the flavor is still here: figs and honey, balanced out with burnt caramel aged acidity and a rich (but not sweet) finish. Excellent, top quality aged tawny.
The NV 30 Years Tawny Port was bottled in 2013 with a bar-top cork and 125 grams per liter of residual sugar. This is smoother and more harmonious than the Dow this issue, a contrast in house styles. If the Dow’s this issue often seemed stern, tight and brooding, this is sexy, sunny and lively, with a burst of sugar on the finish. It starts a little understated and certainly elegant, but it gathers strength and length on the finish. Supple on the first pour, it then adds a touch of brandy, a hit of sugar and a lot of dark chocolate on the finish—just to remind you that this is indeed an old, complex Tawny. The next day, it is beautiful, focused, well balanced and precise. The lifted fruit seems to last indefinitely on the palate. After a week or so, it was darker and more intense. As always, these hold indefinitely in the bottle, barring cork failures, but they are not really meant to be held.
Våd tobak, krydderurter og chokolade. Der er gammelt læder, som i en sofa, der har stået i et sommerhus. Intens og med god balance mellem syre og sødme. Flot vin med lang afslutning.
Graham’s is one of most revered names in Porto, and its Tawny Aged 30 Years is magnificent. TASTING NOTES: This wine exhibits the magic of aged fortified wine. Pair its outstanding aromas of roasted nuts, dried dates, and wood with a perfectly aged Stilton.
Fully mature, the 30-year blend offers cool spicy satisfaction. Its flavors taste of a range of fruits in marmalade, from candied orange zest to kumquats with their peels. Toasty and bright, apricot-rich, this wine’s bittersweet finish will match a savory almont tart.
En lysere brunlig farve med en svag grønlig farve i kanten.Kaffe, karamel i duften. I smagen tørrede dadler, tobak, læder, orange, toast, marcipan, vanilje.Krydret flot elegant port med lang eftersmag.
Anmeldt af Thomas Rydberg
Våd tobak, krydderurter og chokolade. Der er gammelt læder, som i en sofa, der har stået i et sommerhus. Intens og med god balance mellem syre og sødme. Flot vin med lang afslutning.
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